

As I’m building this site, I feel the need to explain myself, to rationalize why I need an entire website dedicated to who I am. It’s a bit of feeling apologetically woman, and a bit feeling endangered of becoming overly self-important. But upon examining these things, I think neither are bad and both can be true. It’s ok to want to explain myself and it’s ok to not need to. And it’s ok to be my own advocate and exercise self importance. So I get to pick, and I choose to share my story. (I like to ask myself: would a man do it? There’s your answer.)

Given that my career sits squarely in brand building, I’ve spent most of my life refining my own. I pride myself on unique perspectives, thoughtful endeavors and a strong sense of self. Words are my playthings; I draft sentences and captions in my head during my runs. So I’m building this space to manifest the aspects of me that I’d like to share, and to create a centralized place from which I can spin out my other projects.

I realized that each of us - with the advent of online social and connectivity - are unwittingly or not building our brands in our own way. Build your brand and enjoy it. What is Instagram if not the creation of a shrine to oneself? And it’s not bad to love things about you and express those things to the world.

So I encourage you to do just that. Love yourself. Break the rules, old and new. Caution, meet wind. What people think about you is none of your business. Do what you love and fuck the rest.

all my love,





my top 8 favorite albums of all time